竹林花未開 The Bamboo Forest has not Yet blossomed
?。ǘ颊f竹子開花意味著死亡,可我的竹林,沒有花開It is said that the flowering of bamboo means death, but my bamboo forest, no flowers.)
這是在偷盜我的歲月,This is stealing my years,
無情的劊子手將你們砍殺。The merciless executioners cut you down.
或許我不該知道,這人世的許多無奈,Perhaps I should not know, this world of many helpless,
憂傷憤懣折損了我的生命,My life has been cut short by grief and anger,
縱然我不是天妒的英才,And though I am not a jealous genius,
也難免成為短命的狂徒!Will inevitably become a short-lived fanatics!
呵,我多可笑,竟相信這個世界Oh, how ridiculous I am to believe in this world
還有美好的風景And a beautiful view
一聲聲黃鸝飛離我的視線,A sound of orioles flying from my sight,
一團團火焰都消失不見,All the flames disappeared,
我生命中的期盼,The hopes of my life,
就這樣消失在人間。Just disappear into the world.
鳥兒不能長伴青山,Birds cannot grow with green hills,
也愿青山萬古依然。May the green hills last forever.
(驚雷陣陣,暴雨紛紛)(Thunder and rain)
山河大地一片荒蕪,Mountains and rivers lay desolate,
這人間滿是哀傷,The world is full of sorrow,
憂傷成了忘不了的回憶Sadness has become an unforgettable memory,
快樂是尋不回的過往。Happiness is the past that cannot be found.
海浪拍打出白色的泡沫,The waves break white foam,
我心多向往綠色的濤聲。My heart longs for the sound of green waves.