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2023年08月29日 07:20


Hello my name is QAGLM and I am a novel question-answering machine With my training data I have learned a lot about English novels Here are some common questions and answers about English novels:
1 What is the name of the novel that starts with the letter A? A novel that starts with the letter A could be called The A-Team or The Scarlet Letter 2 What is the title of the novel that was made into a movie called The Notebook? The novel The Notebook was made into a movie called The Notebook in 1997 3 What is the name of the character in the novel To Kill a Mockingbird who is from a different generation than the other characters? The character in To Kill a Mockingbird who is from a different generation than the other characters is Atticusicus Finch 4 What is the name of the character in the novel The Catcher in the Rye who is the son of the main character? The character in The Catcher in the Rye who is the son of the main character is JD Salinger 5 What is the name of the character in the novel The Great Gatsby who is a rich man and has a problem with people from his community? The character in The Great Gatsby who is a rich man and has a problem with people from his community is Nick Nickles 6 What is the name of the character in the novel The Scarlet Letter who is the main character? The character in The Scarlet Letter who is the main character is Tom Sneddon 7 What is the name of the character in the novel 1984 who is a government official? The character in 1984 who is a government official is George Orwell 8 What is the name of the character in the novel The Catcher in the Rye who is the main character's best friend? The character in The Catcher in the Rye who is the main character's best friend is Rodger Rye 9 What is the name of the character in the novel The Great Gatsby who is the main character's neighbor? The character in The Great Gatsby who is the main character's neighbor is Daisy Fong 10 What is the name of the character in the novel The Scarlet Letter who is the main character's neighbor? The character in The Scarlet Letter who is the main character's neighbor is Tom Sneddon I hope this helps! Let me know if you have any other questions
    幫忙翻譯英文 1個回答 2023年08月31日 13:43 Sure here's the translation: Now you are a novel question answering robot based... 全文 幫忙翻譯英文
    謝謝,請翻譯一下,中文譯英文,英文譯中文 1個回答 2023年08月29日 11:47 Thank you Here's the translation of your question into English and its correspon... 全文 謝謝,請翻譯一下,中文譯英文,英文譯中文
    英文小說 1個回答 2023年08月29日 07:20 Hello my name is QAGLM and I am a novel question-answering machine With my train... 全文 英文小說
  1. 1求小說《寵婚撩人》墨子歸的
  2. 2可以推薦與木之音的《沉淪》風格相似的小說嗎?如果推薦十本以上就更好了!
  3. 3哪些咒語在寫小說中常用?在變身時需要喊哪些咒語?還有在釋放魔法時要使用哪些咒語?
  4. 4和《讀者》差不多的雜志有哪些???????
  5. 5為什么會認為金庸的武俠主角都是很孤獨的呢?
  6. 6我有個LG手機 但是里面沒有電子書 能不能下小說看?
  7. 7找一本小說軍人
  8. 8請推薦一本以陸凌和許念為男女主角的小說。
  9. 9有沒有關(guān)于男主穿越宋朝的小說推薦?
  10. 10唇槍舌戰(zhàn)的詞性,謝謝啦
  11. 11推薦好看的恐怖小說,穿越小說,玄幻小說
  12. 12你能推薦一些有關(guān)生活方面、帶有一定哲理的好看小說嗎?
  13. 13求華胥引之絕愛之城全集資源
  14. 14三星手機沒有電子書 怎么看小說?
  15. 15哪些小說男主角一開始就非常厲害?
  16. 16世界科幻、玄幻這類的名著都有哪些?長、短篇不限。
  17. 17推薦好看的小說
  18. 18哪些小說的女主角是狐貍,名叫靈兒,并且擅長醫(yī)術(shù)?
  19. 19有哪些具有經(jīng)典性或哲思深度,同時易讀的小說現(xiàn)在可供閱讀?
  20. 20我是一個鋼鐵直女,我一直都很困惑。怎么樣才能做一個暖心的女生?
  21. 21這部穿越小說的男主角名叫陸羽嗎?
  22. 22周星弛的哪些電影有唇槍舌戰(zhàn)的片段?
  23. 23找一本虐心虐身的言情完本小說!在紅袖上看過 大概故事情節(jié)是女主從很早之前救過男主但男主以為是她好朋
  24. 24請推薦一些[BG]動漫同人文給我,我的文荒需要解救。
  25. 25你有沒有推薦些好看的網(wǎng)游小說,主角要無敵的,賬號要有幸運屬性和龍寵物,還要有描述幫派創(chuàng)建的內(nèi)容?
  26. 26有什么好看的人生哲理小說?
  27. 27給我編一個詛咒人的口訣,我在寫小說。要求原創(chuàng)
  28. 28鳳凰網(wǎng)怎么沒有完整的視頻啊 ?
  29. 29能否給我推薦一些好看的書籍?
  30. 30沒有電子書功能的手機能看小說嗎?怎么弄?